Stop Bible Abuse 1 - The Bible Has Limited Application In Human Rights

Here you will find simple, reasoned responses to the use of the bible to condemn LGBT people, condone discrimination and ill-treatment whether through criminal laws or dangerous, discredited conversion therapy. 

(1)   The Bible Is Neither Absolute Nor Authoritative
Is what the bible says ALWAYS TRUE? Clearly the answer is no. The bible and many ancient books were written by bronze and iron-age men unaware of how much of the world worked. They did not know what caused earthquakes, storms or even that women contributed 50% of the genetic material towards babies. Here's an example of the primitive, superstitious thinking of that time: 

If you were diagnosed with Hansen’s disease (leprosy) which we know from science is caused by Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis, would you go to see a dermatologist and get antibiotic treatments or would you apply the bible’s advice:
Get two birds. Kill one. Dip the live bird in the blood of the dead one. Sprinkle the blood on the leper seven times, and then let the blood-soaked bird fly away. Next find a lamb and kill it. Wipe some of its blood on the patient’s right ear, thumb, and big toe. Sprinkle seven times with oil and wipe some of the oil on his right ear, thumb and big toe. Repeat. Finally find another pair of birds. Kill one and dip the live bird in the dead bird’s blood. Wipe some blood on the patient’s right ear, thumb, and big toe. Sprinkle the house with blood 7 times. Leviticus 14:2-52
(2) Do Bible Thumpers Apply The Bible Literally?
Every single anti-gay, biblical cherry picker does things condemned in the bible as a matter of daily living with absolutely no fear of condemnation. How many have divorced and remarried (Mark 10:11Luke 16:18), worn mixed fabrics or sown two types of seed in one plot (Leviticus 19:19, partake and profit from a banking system which is based on usury (charging interest) Exodus 22:25 , Ezekiel 22:12Luke 6:35Psalm 15:5. These are just a few things. The more you look, the more you will find that anti-gay people load up heavy biblical burdens on others they themselves do not carry. If I were to highlight all, this article would be about 10,000 words longer. 
(3) Is The Bible A Trustworthy Guide On Human Rights?
Christian slave owners and their supporters like Rev. Thomas StringfellowGeorge Fitzhugh who claimed slavery is biblical and God’s will used a similar methodology with Genesis 9:25-27, Exodus 21:20-21Leviticus25:44-451 Timothy 6:1-51 Peter 2:18-29. Those against women’s rights used Corinthians 14:34-351 Timothy 2:14-152 Timothy 3:6-7. Now we have anti-gay religious voices using the bible as a reason why LGBT people should not be treated with equal respect and humanity under the law. Today’s ethics has clearly evolved since times past. We don’t stone a woman to death for claiming she was raped but not screaming- Deuteronomy 22:23-24. We don’t execute disobedient children- Deuteronomy 21:18-21Exodus 21:17.  If any nation did what the bible says here: Numbers31:15-18 they would be tried under the Geneva Convention for human rights abuses.
(4) Can The Bible Be Literally Used For Civil Laws For A Diverse Population?
The bible also condemns idolatry, over one thousand times in fact. Does that mean the human rights of Hindus and Orisha worshipers should now be up for debate? How can any Government honor the Constitution and enforce the preferred biblical interpretation of some Christians, on a diverse, multicultural population, without infringing on the fundamental rights of others? They can’t.

We live in a diverse society with different beliefs.
(5) Does This Mean Christians Who Believe Homosexuality Is A Sin Are Not Allowed To Have Their Biblical Views?

Of course they can keep their biblical views! They just have to learn how to be content with trying to control their own heads, hearts, home and houses of worship in that regard. In matters of public life, public law and human rights they will have to learn to live and let live, the same way they already do for all the other “sins” they would never dare make a matter of legislation/vote, in this day and age. 

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